New Consultants Success Center:
Steps to Success
This page is set up to help you get your Mary Kay Business off to a fantastic start.
You will earn prizes along the way for completing each step.
Print The Quick start guide
This quick start guide is a training handbook of the things that will help you build your business quickly and effectively with a simple step by step layout.

Print The
New Consultant
This workbook is a interactive workbook with a compilation of all of the things you will want to do and know about the workings of your Mary Kay Business.

Get your prize
When you complete all of the Quick start guide and workbook pages you can choose off of our prize table
The prize table has everything
From business tools to handbags and everything in between.
Steps to Success
These steps are also found in the interactive New Consultants workbook above.
Below are steps to take to get your business up and running smoothly. Some of them we will do together and others you can do on your own. Remember, I am here to be your guide every step of the way. Think of me as the training wheels on your bike! When you are ready to go on your own, you can say bye, bye to me until you need me again for a new and bigger goal!
1. Kick off sesh
Book your Kick Off Session with your director and learn first hand how to do a Beauty Session. Your director will do the session while you watch, learn & EARN!
3. success meeting
Attending your weekly success meetings will keep you on the path to success. Connectedness is the KEY to advancing your career. When you attend your first 8 unit meetings in a row you will earn.....
5. be a pearl girl
As a new consultant you can take advantage of the Great Start Program to earn significant amounts of FREE product bundles for selling and team building in the month you start plus the following 3 months.
7. Great Start Qualified FREEBIES
As a smart business woman you will want to take full advantage of the FREE products offered by Mary Kay in your Great Start Time Frame! I will be your business partner, showing you HOW to max this out!
2. inventory decision
Watch the inventory video in your welcome email and talk to your director. She will be your support for working through your decision and a great source of knowledge if you have any questions
4. Beauty sessions
Attend the Next Steps Training offered to new beauty consultants and learn how to effectively book and hold your first Beauty Sessions!
6. Business systems
Set up your business systems for your MK biz. Intouch, ProPay, your MK website, Voxer, your customer group etc. I am here to help you with anything you need to get started. Just make sure to check in with me.
8. Voxer challenge
Earn your Makeup Bag when you complete the 21 Day Voxer Challenge within your Great Start Time Frame. (Month you start + following 3)
Makeup bag styles will vary.